Wednesday, March 08, 2006

She’s lucky. She lost only an eye

NOT in two years, not since I stepped away from a minefield called Kashmir, have I been so moved as I was last evening.

A handful of talented people, dressed in white, did that with their road-show, Beyond Belief.

They made a Gaza Strip of my mind. Brought to life, on the cramped podium in Allsebrook lecture theatre, a conflict we all know about but don’t know about.

They didn’t tell me about Ariel Sharon and Ismail Haniya. They told me, instead, of Hasan and Noura and Rachel and Basma.

They told me about the girl who is lucky because she lost only one eye and the boy whom soldiers shot in self-defence.

They made me angry, upset, hurt. Wince, cringe. Think.

Do watch, all, if you ever get a chance. It’s live multi-media communication, powerful and poignant.

It’s about people like you and me.


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